Who is Coco Company?
I'm Maartje Laterveer.
Leadership coach.
I can help you be more effective as a leader. By improving your thinking. By making you aware of the importance of emotional intelligence and providing you with tools to become better at it. By teaching you how to manage the processes in your body and brain that drive your overall well-being and performance. By helping you become the leader you want to be.
Changing the world, one leader at a time
Like you, I was born to make a difference in this world. It is my mission to create a world where everyone gets to be who they are. I know it's a big aim and I know I can't do it alone. So I need you.
You are a leader and that means that every day you have the opportunity to make someone, somewhere, either feel inspired and free to thrive or anxious, stressed and drained.
I'm here to help you do the first.
True leadership starts with self-leadership
Leaders lead people. That means it's not about you. It's about how well you are able to inspire and engage others. And that does start with yourself.
Emotionally intelligent leaders are far more effective than the lesser ones. And emotional intelligence starts with self-awareness. With knowing and accepting who you are. With knowing what drives you, what energizes you and what depletes you. What you need to learn and what you're already good at. What makes you feel frustrated or stressed and how you can manage these emotions.
Only then will you really be able to do what effective leaders do: get the best out of people. And themselves.​
When you're ready, this is how you become a true leader.